The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster

Summary from Goodreads:

Paul Auster's signature work, The New York Trilogy, consists of three interlocking novels: City of Glass, Ghosts, and The Locked Room— haunting and mysterious tales that move at the breathless pace of a thriller.

I had a hard time composing my thoughts regarding this book. I don't think I can even tell you what the book is about because I am not entirely sure myself. Coming into this, I can't say I wasn't forewarned. I knew this would not be your straight forward detective story. And strange as this book was, I latched onto to in a way that I never thought I would.

 The three stories are separate from each other, but are connected in the sense that they all share the same tone and mood and theme. This trilogy still very much reads like a mystery novel. There are detectives and stake outs and disguises and shady people and supposed crimes and conspiracies. But what makes it different is that it deals with a case that seems unsolvable. A loopy and loony case. You pick up the clues only to find yourself being led to one brick wall after another and that makes you even more relentless to read on and follow the protagonist.  It is written in such a way that it engages you and gets you curious, no matter how confused and confounded you are. Also it is quite heavy on philosophy. It breaks down human existence. It speaks of loneliness and isolation and identity. Of life as senseless, of that feeling of detachment from it. It is a story brimming with paradoxes and I wasn't quite entirely sure of what was real and what wasn't. I felt this dream-like vibe and surreal feeling while I was reading it.

I also noted how much I liked the protagonists of the three stories. They aren't geniuses like Sherlock. They aren't hard-hitting like Dick Tracy. They are just like the rest of us who battle with the thoughts in our heads ever so often. They are real and flawed.

All in all I loved the experience of having read this one. It's different. Although, I think I may fish for some answers to my questions from the people at The Filipino Goodreads Group, I think this book is worth reading. For it's the kind that stays in your head and makes you think. And sometimes, it's good to be confused and confounded you know?   


  1. "And sometimes, it's good to be confused and confounded you know?"

    Yes it is! Am glad that you liked it. :)

    1. It's one strange story. It makes sense, and then it doesn't, and then it does. Oh, Paul Auster, you slick and perplexing guy, you. :)


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