2015: A Year in Reading + January 2016 Reads
2015 Reading Year : Fiction : 22 Short Story Collection : 3 Poetry Collection : 1 Essay/Non Fiction : 2 Graphic Novel : 3 Total: 31 I think I did okay in 2015. While I seem to be reading less and less each year, but still 31 ain't too shabby. Besides I read some pretty good stuff. So here's my top ten books of 2015. That is, books read during the year 2015 and not necesarily books released during said year. Top Ten Fiction Books of 2015: 1. The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes - The Sense of an Ending came like a tornado. It sort of upended how I look at life. You know, like after you've read it, you hold your hands up to the heavens and you give a despairing cry of something along the lines of: What does life even mean?! What does my existence mean?! Then thunder, then lightning, then a massive downpour, and then you see Ryan Gosling hauling a canoe, and then you...this is moving in another direction, a diffe...