
Showing posts from June, 2014

Living on Borrowed Comic Books

Comic Books are never easy on the pocket, at least most of them aren't. I have long since wanted to try lots of them, but buying one, at a price that can get you two books? I know, I know, it's spotty logic because these comics are practically works of art, with their lovely illustrations and all. But well, I just cannot resist the argument of having two books instead. So, I resort to book mooching.  Vintage X-Men. Yipeee! Actually, I wasn't particularly responsible for this book mooch. My sister was, via our lovely neighbor who got it from her boyfriend (I assume threat and coercion might have been involved). Okay, so BF doesn't really know that his precious comics have been passed on, to yet another set of grubby hands, mine's. I have seen BF around, but I really don't know him, know him. In preparation for the Batman vs Superman movie. And judging from the look of these comic books, which are in mint condition, BF is probably a massive fan boy,

To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

Summary from Goodreads : The novel that established Virginia Woolf as a leading writer of the twentieth century, To the Lighthouse is made up of three powerfully charged visions into the life of one family living in a summer house off the rocky coast of Scotland. As time winds its way through their lives, the Ramsays face, alone and simultaneously, the greatest of human challenges and it greatest triumph--the human capacity for change. A moving portrait in miniature of family life, it also has profoundly universal implications, giving language to the silent space that separates people and the space that they transgress to reach each other. There are very few exceptional and miraculous novels that have the power to change their readers forever. To the Lighthouse is one of them. This won't come out as a surprise, but I have to say it still. It wasn't exactly easy reading To the Lighthouse. While I always enjoy reading character introspection, it's the going in and out

Rabbitin Turns 3!

Let's make a toast! (image source) I woke up early today, on account of the loud blaring of William Tell Overture from a PA system at the Town Hall, which can be heard for miles. (Don't ask me why that song. But no we don't have horse racing from where I'm from.) And I realize with a jolt that the 12th of June is my blog's anniversary! (And the country's day of independence of course, I'm not that forgetful)  My gosh. It's been three years! Can you believe it? I can't. And since I already blabbered my blog's origin story in my past anniversary post, so no need to subject you with that one yet again. And as much as this post is for me and my blog, it is more for my readers really. Why, I don't think I would even write a single darned word if not for you. And I truly, really mean it when I say I am very thankful for the support, for the comments, for the recommendations, for the Facebook likes....And for the past two years, I always make i

Required Reading: June 2014

May Required Reading Report : 1. Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life by Cheryl Strayed - (4/5 stars) Strayed is not your average advice columnist. Her writing packs a punch, she gives straight forward and honest advice too. 2. Fables by Bill Willingham, art by Mark Buckingham (Volumes 30-40) - (averaging from 3.5 to 4 stars) This is an old favorite of mine. Some volumes I enjoy more then the others. But so far, I find the development towards the main story arch, still very engaging despite being in the 40th installment already. 3. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf - (5/5 Stars) A surprising 5 stars! Who would have first modernist novel! *pats back* But then again, the stellar rating is largely because of the online discussion. But what of it?    June Required Reading: Since The Filipino Goodreads Group's genre of the month is "New Weird", (See  Wikipedia  definition), I lined up a couple of books which aren't really under