Top Ten Bookish People You Want To Meet

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish
which features a topic that fellow bloggers can answer through a "top ten list".
1. J.K. Rowling - I can say that I truly became a reader because of the Harry Potter books which contain such a wonderful magical world to get lost in. J.K. Rowling is brilliant and I would sure love to meet her over tea and crumpets at a cafe.

2. Neil Gaiman - He writes delightfuly dark, weird, magical and creepy stories. Some are adult fiction, some are young adult/children's fiction. And I was surprised to find that I loved all of them (American Gods, Anansi Boys, Stardust, and The Graveyard Book) no matter the age genre. If I would get a chance to meet him, it would be at a carnival/fair or maybe in a graveyard. :D

3. J.R.R. Tolkien - His works, The Hobbit and LOTR made possible the resurgence of the fantasy genre. In fact, he is dubbed as the father of modern fantasy literature, my absolute favorite genre. A walk in a sprawling English Castle while talking about all things LOTR would be delightful. 

4. Suzanne Collins - Post Harry Potter, I was in a bit of a reading slump. Most of what I read were just "ho-hum" okay. Up until The Hunger Games which I found to be exciting and thought provoking. Plus it was the first time that I learned of the YA genre and the dystopian genre too. A chat and a walk around the park with Ms. Collins would be cool.

5. The Grimm Brothers - I grew up on The Grimm Brother's Fairytales. I think they did every kid in the world a favor by creating such timeless tales in which to tuck them by. (And the parents too by arming them with tales of big bad wolves and evil queens to scare them into behaving.) Since the Brother's Grimm are academics and researchers, the best place in which to meet them would be in a library, over piles of books.

6. Roald Dahl - Another favorite children's book author who creates the perfect balance of the real and the whimsical in his children's books. I would love to meet him in a chocolate factory! Chatting about books while eating free samples. :)

7. Stan Lee - I couldn't imagine a world without superheroes and Stan Lee along with others like (Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko) just gave us the X-Men (my favorite), Fantastic 4, Spiderman, Thor, Iron Man etc. Plus he seems like a really cool, funny guy. (Have you seen his hilarious cameo in The Amazing Spiderman?) If I'd get a chance to meet him, the best place would be right in the middle of a ComicCon.

8. The people behind Young Adult Library Services Association - I love YA so I would love to meet those behind YALSA especially since they too are the ones who make up the Committee that determines the Printz nominees and awardees. I'd love to know as well how YALSA works in general.

9. The Filipino Goodreads Group - This is an online bookish communities that I am part of but I have yet to meet them since they live in the city whilst I in the province. It seems that they are a fun and crazy bunch and would love to attend one of their monthly meet-ups that involves bookish discussions, bookish games, food, and bookish loot.

10. Fellow book bloggers especially: Chachic of Chachic's Book Nook, , Chris of Ficsation, and Myra, Iphigene, Fats, and Mary of Gathering Books
Rhin of Perfect Nostalgia.- These are the lovely ladies behind my favorite blogs who fairly share the same taste in books as I do. They are the ones who would leave comments constantly when I was just starting. All of which never fail to make my day especially since I don't get that many. I love them and I hope to meet them someday in any place where food and books are at hand. A mall maybe, where eating and book shopping can be done.

How about you? Who are the bookish people that you'd like to meet? Do we have someone similar on our lists? 


  1. Finally someone with The Grimm Brothers!! :) *hihg fives* :) I also grew up with their stories!! :) Of course JK Rowling is on my list too!

    Here is my TTT post

    1. PS. You must read Jellicoe Road that book is something you won't forget! :)

    2. Hi Tanja! *high fives back* Childhood would never be the same without The Grimm fairy tales and Harry Potter. :)

      Jellicoe is high on my list of must reads! And Finnikin of the Rock too. :D

  2. Wow, thank you for including me in your list! I'm flattered ^_^ I would surely want to meet you, too.

    Although I'm not that well-rounded yet when it comes to book topics, but book blogging has definitely introduced me to new people and helped me gain new friends. hehe! I also want to meet Suzanne Collins and Roald Dahl. There are really A LOT of authors I would dream of meeting.

    1. Hi Rhin! It would be lovely to meet you someday, of course. :)

      I have never met a single author or been to any book signing so yeah, I can say that meeting one (especially if of my favorites) would be an absolute dream. But I might clam up if that happens. I might just have my book signed then zip away to hide and squeal with delight. Haha. :)

  3. I so want to meet Neil Gaiman. I read Graveyard Book and loved it. I really want to read his other books.

    1. Hi Alison! Loved The Graveyard Book too! That's the only children's book of his that I've read so far. I'm thinking of getting Coraline because I loved the movie adaptation. You should try Stardust. It's more YA though. American Gods and Anansi Boys are great reads too.

  4. Great choices! Wonder how I didn't think of Gaiman when I love his work and I listed Terry Pratchett!

    1. Hi Katja! I just borrowed Gaiman and Pratchett's Good Omens from a friend. Have you read it? It would be my first Terry Pratchett. :)

  5. Just got to read this now. Love your list. Love the authors on your list and quite flattered to be on the same list. It would definitely be great to meet the people in the book blog community. Oh by the way Tin, Mary and Iphigene are the same person. We started using Iphigene as people get MYRA and MARY confused as its the exact same letters. :)

    1. Eeek! Haha! I thought Iphigene was an another person! My apologies. :) Iphigene is a lovely name though. Wonderful choice. Shout out to Mary! :)


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