Talkfest Thursday: Spoilers
Talkfest Thursday is a feature that acts as a discussion post of sorts, where I will feature a topic (usually literature related), of my choice, and then proceed to talk about it at great length. This will appear, at least once a month, on a Thursday (or more depending on how cooperative my brain is). The first time that I ever came face to face with a spoiler was about that time when the 6th Happy Potter installment came out. I asked my friend if I could borrow his copy. He, of course, obliged and brought it when we had one of our occasional group lunches at a semi-fancy place. As he handed it over to me, one of my other friends blurted out: "The Half-Blood Prince is (insert name here)." She did not do it to be mean or anything. She is just a spaz like that. But my face collapsed, along with my heart. She realized the gravity of her words and profusely apologized. Heck she continues to do so until now, whenever we remember that particular incident. #SPOILERALERT ...