Required Reading: June 2014

May Required Reading Report:

1. Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life by Cheryl Strayed - (4/5 stars) Strayed is not your average advice columnist. Her writing packs a punch, she gives straight forward and honest advice too.

2. Fables by Bill Willingham, art by Mark Buckingham (Volumes 30-40) - (averaging from 3.5 to 4 stars) This is an old favorite of mine. Some volumes I enjoy more then the others. But so far, I find the development towards the main story arch, still very engaging despite being in the 40th installment already.

3. To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf - (5/5 Stars) A surprising 5 stars! Who would have first modernist novel! *pats back* But then again, the stellar rating is largely because of the online discussion. But what of it?   

June Required Reading:

Since The Filipino Goodreads Group's genre of the month is "New Weird", (See Wikipedia definition), I lined up a couple of books which aren't really under New Weird (save for the book of the month), not strictly....they just have um, weird stuff in them.

1. The City and the City by China Mieville - This is our online book club's pick for book of the month. I know Mieveille is pretty popular but this is my first time to read one of his works.

2. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman - My favorite "weird" author who always writes engaging "weird" stories.

3. Saga, Volume 1 by Brian K. Vaughan (Writer), Fiona Staples (Illustrator) - I flipped through the pages of this graphic novel and it has some pretty bizarre stuff in it. Winged men, horned men, men with television monitors for their heads, ghosts with dangling entrails...I am so excited for this. 

That's about it. Time to get a little weird this June! 


  1. OMG Smoke and Mirrors! My favorite, favorite short story, called "Snow, Glass, Apples" is in that collection. I *heart* Neil Gaiman. :D

    1. I still haven't gotten to that one! I'm still at The Daughter of Owls. So far I enjoyed The Troll Bridge and The Goldfish Pool the most. I *heart* Neil Gaiman! :D

  2. Yay! Thanks for being so active (and for indulging my Dane DeHaan madness). :D

    1. I really thought I would have a hard time reading Woolf. I'm glad it wasn't a bust. Not to shabby for my first time. Yay! Indulging your madness is kind of indulging mine too. Although your level of madness is waaay higher than mine! Haha!

  3. Woot, woot for Neil Gaiman! ♥

    1. Lol! So much love going round for Neil Gaiman. :D

  4. *apir!* for To the Lighthouse. Same rating here. Repeating what you said last month, "First-timers unite!" And I hope you enjoy The City & The City. :D

    1. Yeah! *apir!* :D As to The City and The City, I think there is a huge possibility that I will like it. I am about 12% in and so far, so good.

  5. Fine, I'm going to finish TTL. I've downloaded the audiobook (my first time to try audio) and I hope I'll be able to get the hang of it.

    Smoke and Mirrors is in my TBR, I should read it soon, I guess. Because, Neil Gaiman. <3

    Have a lovely June, Tin!

    1. Lol! Yes, persistence in key. On the upside, it's a short book. :)

      Oh, I think you will love Smoke and Mirrors! We need to form a Gaiman fan club now. Hehe.

      Have a great June too, Lynai!


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