Rabbitin Turns 3!

Let's make a toast! (image source)
I woke up early today, on account of the loud blaring of William Tell Overture from a PA system at the Town Hall, which can be heard for miles. (Don't ask me why that song. But no we don't have horse racing from where I'm from.) And I realize with a jolt that the 12th of June is my blog's anniversary! (And the country's day of independence of course, I'm not that forgetful)  My gosh. It's been three years! Can you believe it? I can't. And since I already blabbered my blog's origin story in my past anniversary post, so no need to subject you with that one yet again. And as much as this post is for me and my blog, it is more for my readers really. Why, I don't think I would even write a single darned word if not for you. And I truly, really mean it when I say I am very thankful for the support, for the comments, for the recommendations, for the Facebook likes....And for the past two years, I always make it a point to give a quick mention to those who have dropped by and took time to write their two cents on my posts, since the preceding anniversary. Some of you have even been constantly there since the year that precedes the preceding year! And I love you all for it! 

*plays William Tell Overture* 

Angus (Book Rhapsody)
Chris (Ficsation)
Louize (The Page Walker)
Lynai (It's a Wonderful Bookworld)
Meliza (Mecanism)
Monique (Marginalia)
Myra and Iphigene (Gathering Books)
Peter S. (Kyusi Reader)
Rhin (Perfect Nostalgia)

Thank you so much you lovely, awesome people. And I hope all you're blogs will stick around for forever, and mine too. 

Happy Independence Day!


  1. Wow! Happy Bloggy Birthday! I can't remember how I stumbled upon here but I really enjoy that voice you use in your posts. And unless WordPress.com shuts down or something, I'll be sticking around. :)

    1. Thank you Angus! I don't see anything shutting down anytime soon, so we are good. :D

  2. Happy anniversary to your blog! This blog has been one of my favorite book blogs even long before I got my own. Cheers!

    1. Thanks Meliza! I'll be frequenting yours now. Haha. :D

  3. Happy Bloggy Birthday!
    More pages in the years to come. ♥

    1. Thanks Louize! I very much appreciate you coming to drop by every once in a while. :D

  4. Happy blog anniversary, Tin! Looking forward to more years of reviews and book-ish thoughts from you! Mwah!

    P.S. Thanks for the shoutout!

    1. Thank you Peter! I enjoy visiting Kyusi Reader, very much. :)

  5. Belated Happy Blog Anniversary!
    Your book selection and reviews are quite diverse and a joy to read. I try to visit as much as I can. It's amazing that its been 3 years! time does fly!

    1. Thanks! Myra? Iphigene? Fats? Anyway, l appreciate you ladies for introducing me to great children's books and picture books and all other bookish stuff! :D

  6. Belated Happy 3rd Blog Anniversary, Tin!! Thanks for the mention! And THANK YOU for sticking around as well! ^_^


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