October 2014: Required Reading

September 2014 Required Reading Report

1. The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin - (4/5 Stars) A short, quick read. It left me a bit wanting, but it was entertaining enough.

2. Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi - (4/5 Stars) I don't know how to pin down Oyeyemi's style. It's a bit Paul Austeresque with a little bit of Gaiman? Or this might seem inaccurate. Anyway, it's a tad strange and loopy, but I admired the craftsmanship.

3. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - (4/5 Stars) Fun! I realized that this is my first YA read, and the year is almost ending! Strange. Anyway, enjoyed this a lot. The Rowell hype is well founded.

4. Against Joie de Vivre by Philip Lopate - (3/5 Stars) I was off to a good start with this essay, but towards the end, it kind of lost my interest.

5. Dr. Bird's Advice For Sad Poets by Evan Roskos - (5/5 Stars) Since I just got off reading this, I still need time to process my thoughts. But I can safely say that I love it to beets and peases. 

October 2014 Required Reading: 

1. The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks - I was initially worried about this because it says"clinical" in the title, a word synonymous to analytic, impersonal, scientific....aka a potential giant snooze fest. But I read the premise plus Kristel says it's "popular" science, so now I am excited.

2. A Calendar of Tales by Neil Gaiman - Heard about this from The Short Story Station. And Gaiman is irresistible to me. See Review by Louize of Page Walker right HERE.

3. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler by E.L. Konigsburg - I have had this for a looong while now, but I never really had the urge to pick it up. But I have just been appointed as the one man book screening committee for my nephew, so now is the time for some museum escapade. 

That's all I have for now. Have a lovely October to one and all. 


  1. I am definitely doing a Helen Oyeyemi month soon!
    Happy reading, I hope you enjoy your October reads! ♥

    1. Oh wow, like your Mitchell month! Oyeyemi does have a way with retelling myths and fables in a haunting and strange way. I hope you enjoy your October reads too, Louize!

  2. Hmm, those are interesting titles and names. I wonder how you come up with your monthly reading lists? :)

    1. Oh, there is no system to it, really. I just close my eyes....and boom. XD

      And books with long, strange titles, almost always catch my attention. :)

  3. Fangirlis your first YA read, you mean this year?

    And where did you find that third book? Sounds magical. (or weird?) Hehe!

    1. Yeah, this year. I can't believe it nga. Kasi a huge portion of my reads for the past years were YA and kid lit. Dr. Bird's Advice would be my second YA this 2014.

      Yung 3rd? Sikat na kid lit yan. Newberry Medal recipient din siya. Hindi ito weird noh! Hahaha!

    2. Let's buddy read a YA next time. Hehe!

      I'm sorry, I didn't know the book. Okay, hindi sya weird! Hahaha!

    3. Oh, sureness. Let's discuss which YA title and when. :)

  4. I've yet to read Calendar of Tales but I know it's going to be awesome, because Gaiman! :D

    1. But of course! And it's such a quick read too, plus there are cool illustrations. :)


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