Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Pick Up A Book

For more info go to The Broke and The Bookish 1. Magic / Magicians - Who doesn't love magic? It's spectacular, it's grand, it's mind-boggling, same goes for the people who practice them be it witches, wizards, mages, sorcerers, illusionists and whatever else they may be called. 2. London - Ah, London. The home of many of my favorite things: Harry Potter, Doctor Who, The Beatles, Spice Girls, and Colin Firth, just to name a few. 3. Political Intrigue / Conspiracy Theories - Because they are juicy and exciting and thrilling, what with all the backstabbing and underhanded dealings and the the guessing of who is the snake in the bush. 4. Geeks - Because I can relate more often than not. 5. Superpowers - Because we all want one, at one point or another. 6. Books / Literature - (Obviously) I like reading about stories that give much importance to books and I am more inclined to love a bookish character because we are kindred souls. 7. Fairytale / ...