In My Mailbox: Birthday Edition Part 2

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by Story Siren.
It features books you have bought or received during the week.
I just received a belated birthday gift from my fellow YA fan and book blogger friend Chachic of Chachic's Book Nook! Take a lookie! (I apologize for the bad quality of the photographs. I am very bad at taking them.)

Kwentillion Magazine edited by Budjette Tan and Paolo Chikiamco,
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass, and Bound by Donna Jo Napoli
Beauty by Robin Mckinley (with Chip looking on approvingly :D)
I'm going to get to cross out Beauty and Kwentillion from my wishlist! Yay! Initially Chachic told me that she will be sending me just these two titles so the addition of Throne of Glass and Bound was a lovely surprise. 

I also found Chachic's hand written note on the back of a lady bird postcard! I was thrilled that it features London. (Andrew Garfield for one, is from London. Ahihihi :D)   

A lovely lady bird postcard of London.
I think this one shows the River Thames, Big Ben, and the Westminster Abbey?
Thank you so much Chachic for this awesome birthday package! :D


  1. Yay, glad the package arrived safely! And I see you've read and reviewed Kwentillion already, that was fast. :) I hope you enjoy reading Beauty (one of my favorite fairy tale retellings) and Bound (thought you might like it since it's a retelling as well). I decided to pass on Throne of Glass because it's an ARC and we don't get a lot of those around here.

    1. I read Kwentillion in just a day I think, and I had a post up really fast because I was so excited about it. :) I'm about 1/4 of Beauty and so far so good.

      Oh yeah, Bound is a Cinderella retelling, and it's different because it's set in China, so I'm excited about that. Throne of Glass is my first ARC! The paper quality is gorgeous...nice and thick. :) This one is for my fantasy fix.


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