May 2016: Required Reading

April 2016 - Required Reading Report:

1. The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet by David Mitchell - (5/5 Stars) I admit I was expecting Mitchell's spinning, twisting, genre-hopping razzmatazz, so I was very surprised to find a straightforward narrarive this time. Well it has several storylines, yes. But it is more simple in structure than his books prior to this. I say this not as a complaint but as a compliment to his range. And well, every inch of it is still very much a Mitchell book. That is, it touches on big themes like religion and belief, and immortality and reincarnation, and life and death, and supremacism. And as always he spins a fantastic yarn, historically rich, and magical, and grand, and romantic, and saddening. My gawd. Why is he so disgustingly good? 

On hold:

1. Daytripper by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba - I was supposed to have read this last month, but Thousand Autumns proved to be a lenghty read. And I have to prioritize the above mentioned books because The Rest of Us Just Live Here is our book club's book of the month, and Locke Lamora is a planned buddy read which I am already lagging behind in terms of schedule. So yeah, putting this one on hold until further notice.

May 2016 - Required Reading:

1. The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick Ness - I am liking this. I mean at first I wasn't quite sure about how things will turn out, with this whole meta, breaking of the fourth wall narration thing. But it is shaping up to be less annoying that what I perceived such type would be. Now I am going to hold off whatever thoughts I may have until I finish the book.

2. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch - Buddy reading this with Meliza of Mecanism. This is a hefty book. But if it is as entertaining as they say it is, then the "heft" won't be a problem won't it? Besides I find the whole idea of having "Gentleman Bastards", that is elite, con-artists bearing taste, and style, and suaveness, quite alluring and amusing. Reminds me a bit of Maurice Le Blanc's gentlemen master thief, Arsene Lupin III.

That's about it folks! Tell me what you have lined-up for May! And have a great summer!


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