October 2015: Required Reading

September 2015 Required Reading Report:

1. Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee - (4/5 Stars) I can't help but marvel at Harper Lee's grasp of the South, and the simplicity and clarity of her writing. It's no To Kill A Mockingbird (because what is?) but it is a lovely way of extending time in an old familiar world and revisiting beloved characters. 

2. Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe - (3/5 Stars) Things Fall Apart is compelling in the sheer amount of despair that comes with the story. A tribal life haunted by fears and changes and anxiety and aspirations. 

3. Stitches: A Memoir by David Small - (5/5 Stars) A harrowing account of childhood abuse that's equal parts raw and whilsical. 

October 2015 Required Reading:

1. Monstress by Lysley Tenorio - Our book club's book of the month. I just finished reading the titular story and I have a huge feeling that I will love the rest of the book. 

2. Drown by Junot Diaz -  Another short story collection which I think I will adore. No, I don't "think" I "know". PS. I am on my fourth short story now, so I guess I can already assume as much. 

3. Death with Interruptions by Jose SaramagoWhen I read the premise, I was sold. But I will come into this cold, having no clue about Saramago's approach/narrative style. Also, a quick shout out to Meliza of Mecanism who introduced this to me, and to Mommy Louize of The Page Walker who gave me an ebook copy! Thanks guys!

What are you reading this October?


  1. You are reading Drown! I should've joined you, but on second thought, I don't think I trust my reading mood these days, so nevermind. But, I am looking forward to reading Monstress. Let me finish The Night Circus first. Because, magic! :)

    1. Hi Lynai! I am moving at a snail's pace when it comes to my readings. Gah. (So if you change your mind, I think you can still join in reading Drown!) And I can now safely say that both Drown and Monstress are hamayzing. Haha. The Night Circus, I have long been curious of, and I kinda miss magic tbh. :)

    2. Almost done with Night Circus. Read it read it readittt!!!! :)

  2. I've rated all your October books with 5-stars! And how about contributing a review to the Short Story Station? ;)

    1. Angus, I'd be glad to turn in a contribution for TSSS! Is there a deadline for it though? Ehehe. And I get to pick what short story to review (or short story collection?)

  3. Have fun in our October reading! :P

    1. I already am! Haha! And right back at ya! :)

  4. You are welcome! But, of course, you can still change your mind and opt for the printed copy instead. Just send me your address (again).

    And, echoing ^ Angus's request! :)

    1. Mommy L! Thanks for the offer! But the ebook copy is suiting me just fine. :) And yes to Angus' request. Tee hee!

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  6. I have been meaning to read Stitches but haven't gotten the opportunity to. I have been eyeing monstrees but have been hesitant. It seems promising though. Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks Iphigene! Stitches is really great! It's dark and suffocating but whimsical as well. I will definitely explore more graphic novel memoirs. And I think you should go for Monstress, it's shaping up to be a solid short story collection.


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