February 2015 Required Reading

January 2015 Required Reading Report:

1. Ghostwritten by David Mitchell - (5/5 Stars) Considering that this is Mitchell's first novel, it's not as grand and complex as the popular Cloud Atlas, but it is just as engrossing and entertaining and mind blowing.

2. You Get So Alone Sometimes It Just Makes Sense by Charles Bukowski - (3.5/5 Stars) Bukowski's poems are on the dirty realism side, and I enjoyed it. I thought they were quite affecting. But the poems got a bit repetitive and my interest waned a bit as I was getting to the end of the collection.

February 2015 Required Reading:
 1. Love Walked In by Marissa de los Santos - This TFG Book of the Month, under the romance genre. I was off on a shaky start on this, but it's starting to pick up. 

2. Perdido Street Station by China Mieville - China Mieville has been known to create well-imagined surreal worlds and creatures, and I am ready to be enthralled, unsettled, creeped out, perplexed...

Have a Happy February!


  1. Replies
    1. LOL! New Crobuzon is a bonkers place! China Mieville is bonkers man! :)

  2. I have to start Perdido ASAP. So that I'll be enthralled and be creeped out like you. :P

    1. Okay, delayed reply is delayed. Haha. Malamang, mauunahan mo pa ako. :D

  3. Mapping out China's brain is really hard. I could not get hold of how he imagined all these creatures and places. It's confounding! :)


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