Required Reading: July 2013

June Required Reading Report

1. The City and the City by China Mieville - (4/5 stars) The kind of world Mieville presented, is very unconventional and highly imaginative and just brilliant. It's nothing like I've ever read before.

2. Saga Volume 1 by Brian k. Vaughn and Fiona Staples - (4/5 stars) Gorgeous illustrations and superb world-building. The hype around it is well justified.

3. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman - (5/5 stars) No one can re-create fairy tales, stock fantasy characters and stories like Neil Gaiman. Nobody.

July Required Reading

1. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens - This is my first time reading some Charlie D., and I have some reservations, just like with most classics. And the first chapter was kind of tough. But I did okay with Virgie W., last May. Maybe it won't be so hard. We could all be homies after this, Charlie D., Virgie W., and I.

And because I feel like I am going to make a slow (but hopefully, sure) progress in A Tale of Two Cities, I will stuff my face with comic books. Perhaps to take the edge off of being immersed in Dickens' verbose and grim writing. And because I mean to return these borrowed comics as early as I can, to a supposed fanboy, who may or may not hack me to pieces with a light saber/katana,  for keeping his prized possessions away from him at a longer time than expected.

2. Superman for all Seasons by Jeph Loeb, Tim Sale & Bjarne Hansen  - I remember being a fan of the Lois and Clark tv series, during the 90s (Dean Cain and Terri Hatcher), and the 2001s Smallville (Tom Welling.) But I have never read a Superman story. This will be my first. I do think I am going to enjoy this because I have had prior experience with Jeph Loeb's and Tim Sale's Batman and X-Men work.

3. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Klaus Janson & Lynn Varley - I have read a Frank Miller as well, his Batman: Year One, which I quite enjoyed. I bet this won't be any different. 

4. Various X-Men Comic Books from Marvel - I could here the theme song of The Uncanny X-Men animated series from the 90s. Ah, brings back fond childhood memories. 

That's about it. Bow. :)


  1. Woohoooo! 5/5 for Neil Gaiman! <3

    1. I so love Smoke and Mirrors! You were right about Snow, Glass, Apples! Loved eet! He sort of reversed the Snow White tale, turned it inside out. Brilliant. And also Murder Mysteries, the one with the angels...And We Can Get Them For You Wholesale was pretty fun...and lots moooore! OA na ako sa exclamations! Haha! :D

  2. My first Gaiman read was not spectacular. Maybe I should have started with something else?

    1. Oh, what was your first? Was it The Ocean..., last January?


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