Owl Post!

It's been about three weeks since my last blog post. I haven't been reading a lot too. And I haven't been getting that much sleep the past few days either. Just last night, I was tossing and turning. I have this particular tendency to worry about one stupid thing and another, right when I am about to sleep. Let's just say I am going through some changes at work and at home, and mulling over said changes has been occupying much of my time. 

I was out last night, hence, I wasn't around when a certain owl post arrived at my doorstep. It was only today when I saw the package on my table. Naturally, I ripped it open before doing anything else. Naturally, I was so happy that I have forgotten that I am feeling particularly terrible today even for just a brief moment.

To The Filipino Goodreads Group, the coolest bunch of people that I happen to have come across! To think that I initially meant myself to just be a lurker! But your energy is just hard to resist, I had to join in. I know that I haven't met you guys yet and vice versa. And I know that I tend to be quite private, but still, you guys have welcomed me and shared great conversations with me online. You did me a bunch of good, for real. Opened me up to books (and movies) of different genres. Made me enjoy reading (and watching movies) much much more. Made me feel excited to write reviews and blog posts knowing that I can share them with you. Made me have more of a sense of humor than before. Made me have a semblance of a personality now. Hahahaha.

I say all this with sincerity. My heart swelled a thousand times seeing the bookmarks and the hand written notes. I once told Meliza that even if you guys mailed me a rock, I would clutch it to my heart. (I would be baffled yes, but I would still clutch it to my heart)I used to raise an eyebrow at people who say they have fallen in love with someone, online. How can that be? Well, it turns out that my snobbery bit me in the rear end, as I myself have fallen in love with TFG, online. (Yiheeeee!) :D

Guys, consider this as something akin to a drunken phone call (drunken blog post?). It's rambling, sappy, but you can bet your rear end that it's genuine. Bet your rear end? Makes absolutely no sense! It's the second time I mentioned that word. Sleep lacking is meeee! But I am now a very very happy sleep deprived person. :D


I love you guys.


Special thanks to: Aenna, Louize, Maria, Meliza, and Tina for the bookmarks and notes, and magnets, and stuff! 


  1. Tin, I always say that too, that I have fallen in love with TFG. I hope we stay in love. :D

    1. Melizaaaaa! I know right? ❤ I really appreciate you guys for taking the time to pack and send a loot bag over to me. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for the bookmarks Louize! I love the Buckingham Palace Guard! He has an awesome mustachio. Ang kyot kyot. :D

  3. Wouldn't it be cool if you arrive at one of the F2F venues incognito? And leave a rock at one of the tables? Okay, I'm planting ideas for your future free weekend. ;)

    1. Hahaha! I was thinking that I'd leave a cut-and-paste stalker note. But a rock would work just as well. :D


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