Required Reading: February 2014

Required Reading Report: January 2014

1. We Learn Nothing: Essays by Tim Kreider - A very perceptive, and reflective collection of deeply personal essays. The perfect starter for my 2014 reading year. I loved it. 

2. Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman - I wasn't quite as taken with this, as I initially thought I would, but I did enjoy it for it's extensive analysis of pop culture and how the author creatively ties them with human life.

3. The Nerdist Way by Chris Hardwick - I have yet to finish this. But my early thoughts on it: I find it to be a less stiff and less formal approach to self-help. I like that it's conversational, much like how one would talk to a friend.

January also paved way for the introduction of a new blog feature called Talkfest Thursday, which you will now be seeing regularly on my blog. Once a month, at least. (I hope :D) 

Required Reads: February 2014
Check out I Like It Dog-Eared for more info
February is of course, Valentine Month. And okay, I am not really big on romance, not the heavy stuff at least. Still I decided to keep the majority of my reads to be valentine themed, of sorts (save for one about dragons and thrones). Here they are:

1. Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare - I actually cracked this open last year but I failed to make any progress beyond a couple of pages because the Bard's language is a little hard to follow. But this time, aside from my e-book copy, I got an audio book version. Perhaps listening to how the language is spoken might prove to be easier in terms of understanding it. (Thank you Ycel for this suggestion.)

2. Cover (Story) Girl by Chris Mariano - I had this sometime last year, as a prize from Chachic of Chachic's Book Nook So my reading of this novella is long overdue. Plus, I have seen the reviews of some blogger friends  giving this nothing less than a 4 star rating. Also, the author, Chris Mariano runs the blog called Ficsation which I have long been following and somehow that makes me quite excited about this. 

3. What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver - This is The Filipino Goodreads book of the month. And to be honest, the first two or three stories I've read took me by surprise. It's not what I am used to, the style I mean. But as I progress, I am beginning to appreciate it.

4. A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin - As per tradition, I am buddy reading this with the lovely wenches of TFG. And I am a couple of chapters in already and of course I am loving it (no surprise there). For one, Tyrion is back! Woo hoo! 

How about you? What have you got lined up for February?


  1. Godspeed on your new blog feature, Tin! :)

    1. Thanks Louize! Nothing is more fun than talking about books and book related stuff.

  2. Hi, Tin!

    A friend told me that the best way to appreciate Shakespeare is to listen to it or to see it on stage. Shakespeare, after all, wrote these plays so that they can be performed. So I think you're on the right track if you go through the audio book!

    1. Hi Peter! Yeah, I am hoping the audio book would be of help. I haven't seen a Shakespeare play on stage though. Btw, have you seen Joss Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing movie adaptation?

  3. I agree on your initial take on Raymond Carver. His stories are not actually "love at first sight", in my case. :D And I hope you enjoy Cover (Story) Girl. Calamansi muffins! :)

    Happy February, Tin! Love love love! <3

    1. I know right? I saw your status update on it, over at Goodreads. Lol! It really takes some getting used to. But in my case, I soon got the hang of it. Well, more than the first few stories at least. :) Calamansi Muffins sounds yum!

      You too Lynai! <3 <3 <3

  4. Replies
    1. Loool! Hala is right. Hahaha. I think I will Chris! (I hope I will?) Loool! :D


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