Required Reading: September 2013

August flew by fast. It was a good month. I had three local literature lined up as my required reads and was able to finish them. So, here's the lowdown:

1. In My Mother's House by Joni Cham - (4.5/5) I am not big on literary fiction. This is actually my first local literary fiction, I think. And I was very much surprised at how much it blew me away. I rated this 4/5 in Goodreads only because they don't have half stars. It was just so compelling and potent and just...good.

2. Love Your Frenemies by Mina Esguerra - (3/5) I had fun with this novella. I still love Fairy Tale Fail more but it was still an enjoyable read nevertheless.

3. The Kobayashi Maru of Love by Carljoe Javier - (3.5/5) I enjoyed this geeky take on love. It's not only funny and witty but quite earnest and honest as well. (review post to follow soon)  

Okay, so I recently went out with two of my friends and both happen to be the only child in their respective families. They tell me how sometimes they wished they had siblings. They tell me how lucky I am to actually have two of them. And yes, I agree. Despite the fact that yes, we get under each other skins a whole lot, we actually love each other and enjoy each other's company. So, after that really long segway, my September Required Reads, would be all about sisterhood, as inspired by my lovely sisters.

1. The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides - Coming out of a favorable experience of a literary fiction read last month, I decided to try another, and this one seems like a perfect fit to this month's theme. I am ready to meet the enigmatic and fascinating Lisbon sisters.

2. Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce - This one consists of two sisters who have devoted their lives hunting the werewolves that prey on girls. It's a retelling loosely based on Little Red Riding Hood. It looks fun and I am a fan of fairy tale retellings.

3. A Storm of Swords by G.R.R Martin - Okay so technically this isn't a sister-themed read, and I am feeling really OC about it. Haha. But there are sisters naman here diba? Like Arya and Sansa, Catelyn and Lysa...okay, I'm pushing it now. Hihi. But I think I have already put this off for far too long. Westeros beckons.  

Before I end this post, I need to say something first. What will follow are words I cannot say to my sisters in person because we just we aren't the type and it will be extremely awkward. But I just want to get this off my chest and I will make it quick, so here goes:
To my two lovely sisters, my hommies, my crew, my posse, my flunkies (okay, they wouldn't like being called that last one). The Blossom and Buttercup to my Bubbles, the Kelly and Michelle to my Beyonce (Dibs on Beyonce! Ha!). The two who gave me a very awesome and memorable childhood, tickle torture chambers and taunts include, and continues to make my life a little funnier and a little interesting and a whole lot bearable. I know that we have grown old-er but somehow I always feel like a kid when I'm around you two. Well, more than I usually do, at least. :D

Okay, All done! Do share whatever reads you have lined-up this month! Have a great September! 


  1. Hi Tin!

    I hope you enjoy The Virgin Suicides. Lovely lovely prose. :) And big yes to A Storm of Swords! I have that on my list this month too. :)

    Cheers to sibling love! :)

    1. I am about 20% into The Virgin Suicides, and it's going great so far. True, the prose if really wonderful. :)

      Yehey! ASOS! :D

  2. Let us schedule the ASoS next week, okay? :)

  3. The Virgin Suicides! <3 Hope you like it. :)

    1. I am loving it so far. It has a different tone and mood to it, and it's unlike anything I've ever read before. :D


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