Rabbitin Turns 2!

Today, marks the 2nd year anniversary of Rabbitin! Happy, happy day! 

For the longest time, I have been a reader as well as an all-around book blog and reading community lurker. But at some point I actually started getting in touch and commenting on blog entries. And I was absolutely thrilled whenever they responded back. It's like having a pen pal, only with a faster response time and without the post office travails of lost mail. Most importantly, I found an outlet to talk about all things books! So I did that for awhile, bombarding other people's blogs with comments. The idea of my own blog, did surface in my mind, but I never acted on it because of my usual neuroticism. Who would read my blog anyway? How would I write a review? Besides quips such as: 'I liked it!', 'It was good!', 'It was awesome!', 'I loved it!'. But still, like an itch, I kept coming back to the idea of my own blog. Much like girls envision their weddings and pick out motifs and venues (and grooms) in their heads. So, I tinkered around Blogger, thought of a name, and made a set up of my first post, but I just kept the thing unpublished. And I don't know what happened on the 12th of June, year 2011. Maybe I just had too much pent up bookish fangirling that isn't healthy for me; Whether it was that or something else, it was the day when I finally published Rabbitin!

The name Rabbitin is actually the combination of Rabbit, my Chinese zodiac animal and my nickname, Tin. It was coined by my sister when we were little as part of a silly song that she made up which accompanies a hand game. It also did not help that during my formative years, my two front teeth were bigger than necessary, thus resembling a rabbit's.

One of the best things about my having a book blog is that I get to meet awesome bloggers and readers. I would like to mention a few: Chachic of Chachic's Book Nook, Myra, Fats, and Iphigene of Gathering Books and Chris of Ficsation. People who were constant visitors when I first started out, they were wonderfully encouraging. And then Lynai of It's a Wonderful Bookworld, Rhin of Perfect Nostalgia, Maria of Reading is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac, Monique of Marginalia; for keeping the comments and blog visits coming and for all the fun fangirling and bookish talk you all shared with me! 

All in all, starting this blog is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It made me so very happy in so many ways. 

Again, Thank You! to all those who happen to swing by my blog, not only to those people I mentioned above and not just to all those who commented, but even those who just lurked and read an entry. I am already happy that you happen to come across this blog, this little parcel of myself. 


  1. Thanks for the mention, Tin! And Happy 2nd Birthday to Rabbitin the Blog! *confetti*

    1. Hi Monique! Thanks for the greeting and the confetti! *Weee!* :D

  2. Happy happy bloggy birthday, Rabbitin! Here's to more years of reading, book blogging, and yes, fangirling, hihi! :)

    1. Yes, I second all that Lynai! And much thanks for all the bookish talk! :D

  3. Happy 2nd bloggy birthday, Rabbitin!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Tina! One More Page was one of the blogs that I first discovered, before I had my own, and then bombarded you with my comments. Hee hee. :) And of course, my first bookish win was from you, with The Knife of Never Letting Go! :)

  5. Happy 2nd Blog Birthday, fellow book blogger Tin! ^_^

    Likewise, I'm glad I am able to meet you through the blogosphere. hihi!

  6. Belated 2nd Blog Anniversary. I've been meaning to drop a note but have been busy. It was lovely to have you visit our blogs and leave insightful thoughts and even more wonderful you joined the sphere. Hope to see you here for another year and hope to read more of your reviews. :)

    1. Hi Iphigene! Visiting Gathering Books is always a pleasure. I thank you guys too, for all the bookish conversations. And yes, here's to another wonderful blogging and reading year! Say hi to Myra and Fats for me. :D


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