Reading Challenges for 2013

It's 2013! And nothing makes reading interesting than signing up for challenges. *rubs hands together* :)

a. Award Winning Books Reading Challenge

I had so much fun participating in my first ever reading challenge in my whole blogging life, The Award Winning Books Reading Challenge hosted by Gathering Books, and I was thrilled that they extended it for the year 2013! 

Naturally, I had to sign up again. And naturally, I'll have to aim low and go with Level 1 (10 books or less) - Bronze Medal. For more details on the AWBRC click HERE.

b. TBR Pile Reading Challenge

I thought this is challenge is just right for me. It's pretty flexible and what better way to tackle the TBR Pile in my room than signing up for The 2013 TBR Pile Reading Challenge from Fiktshun. For more information, click HERE.

Again, I am a safe-playing wuss and will just start with the 1-10 books, The Firm Handshake Level. :)

c. Other self-imposed challenges

1.) Read a Zombie Book - I have been putting this off for maybe 2 years now. Too chicken. *cluck cluck*. I hear zombies are going to make a splash in the movie scene with Warm Bodies and World War Z so perhaps 2013 is the time to not be a wuss!  

2.) Read a Sci-Fi Novel - I discovered Dr. Who this year and I loved it! I started with the Charles Eccleston season until David Tennant's second one (Martha Jones). I also only watched the entire Star Wars Saga this year and immediately understood why the fan boys feel the way they do. So it got me thinking, I never really had a sci-fi read. Maybe I'll try the popular Ender's Game.   

2.) Read a Classic - Another frequent reading resolution every year that usually ends up unfulfilled. Must. Not. Be. Lazy. For. This. This. Year. Maybe a children's classic would be the way to go.

3.) Read more Adult Fiction - I've managed to read only 1 last year and it ended up on my best of 2012 reads, so this gives me much hope. I've also already asked around for some adult fiction recommendations from my online book community so that I'll have somewhere to start. Hopefully, I'll learn to detach myself from YA and kidlit this year. 

What about you? Any Reading Challenges or resolutions for the year 2013? 


  1. Wow! I'm thrilled that you're joining us yet again, Tin! Happy Happy New Year! - Myra

    1. Hi Myra! Happy New Year as well! I'm glad you guys extended it. It is so much fun. :)

  2. I love those self-imposed challenges! Go on, try a zombie book! not all of them are gory :)

    Good luck, Tin!

    1. They say Feed is the mother of all zombie books so perhaps I'll go with that. Or maybe Rot and Ruin. Thanks Maria! I need that luck for when zombies visit my dreams! :)


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