Know Me Better

"Know Me Better" is a meme hosted by Kathy at I Am A Reader, Not A Writer. Each week she will pick 5 questions off her author interview list and invites bloggers and readers to answer them. You can add your link or find a list of the  participants here. If not, It would be great if you could share your answers in the comments section. 

If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose?
Hmm...Probably Roald Dahl. He seemed like such an interesting person.
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate. Preferably in liquid form, piping hot. Or the dark variety...with almonds. :)

What do you do in your free time?
Read! Mostly books and blogs. Or have a Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, or some Hanna Barbera or Looney Tunes cartoon viewing marathon.

What movie are you looking forward to this year?
Actually there's two, Hugo and The Adventures of TinTin:Secret of the Unicorn.

Spontaneity or Planning Ahead?
Planning Ahead for sure. I can't stand being unprepared. I'm a bit OC that way. :P 


  1. Glad you joined in the fun! --I'm no movie buff so I'm not surprised I don't know about Hugo, & TADoTT ..I'll have to keep an eye out. Oh, I did read The Help and totally loved it!! I'll see the movie ..eventually. ;)

  2. @Jinky
    Hugo is the movie adaptation of Brian Selznick's The Invention of Hugo Cabret. TADoTT is based on the comic book of the same name by Herge.
    The Help movie seems to have a pretty amazing cast. I would want to get a chance to see it as well. Thanks for dropping by! :)

  3. I'd not heard of either of these movies.

  4. TADoTT is going to be out soon I think this December if I'm not mistaken. Hugo will be out this November. Both movies have big names behind them. Spielberg and Jackson for Tintin, Scorsese for Hugo so I have high expectations. Thanks for visiting Kathy!:D


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