Top Ten Series I Haven't Finished

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish which features a weekly topic to be answered through a top ten list I may just about have around 17 series that I have left unfinished for various reasons but for this post I am going to whittle it down to 10. Series left unfinished due to lack of interest The Gallagher Girls Series by Ally Carter - My teenage cousin recommended this and lent me three of the books in the series but after reading just one, I found that it wasn't my type. The whole spy school of teenagers might be a fun Disney movie though but I am more discriminating when it comes to books. Matched Series by Ally Condie - I have read up to the second book: Crossed. But still there wasn't enough action to engage me. I like my dystopian reads to be action packed like The Hunger Games and Chaos Walking. Dark and gritty and explosive whilst Matched is the quite and peaceful kind, not really my type of dystopian read. Series left unfin...